Lighter Magazine is pleased to announce Edition IV as its inaugural print edition, which will contain highlights from the year as well as new content. Additionally, it will showcase the work of a variety of artists.
For Writers:
The deadline to submit writing for detailed feedback (whether or not the piece is accepted for publication) is December 1.
Submit your work by December 15 for a chance to be published in Edition IV. We accept poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and personal essays. Please note that each piece should not exceed 2500 words. Poems should not exceed 2 pages. If your submission exceeds the maximum length, you must submit a compelling reason for this length in your artist’s statement. We do not accept previously published work.
To submit, email a PDF or Word document to with the subject line YOUR NAME - [POETRY/PROSE] SUBMISSION. If desired, you may present an artist’s statement and a short bio (2-3 sentences). The artist’s statement consists of anything you want the editors to know while reading your piece and a justification for any piece longer than the maximum length.
For Artists:
Lighter Magazine is accepting submissions for artwork for use in Edition IV from now until December 25th. This is an opportunity to be featured in a collective composition alongside up-and-coming and seasoned artists. We are looking for everything from a unique cover design to miscellaneous images that can be used throughout the edition. The involvement of the artist can range from the simple submission of an image to the attending of design and/or weekly meetings with the board of editors.
Examples of images being requested include:
Unique cover design utilizing the Lighter Magazine logo as the header/magazine title
Inside cover spread
Inside back cover spread
Images to illustrate creative writing pieces*
Images to illustrate articles*
Images to illustrate various bonus content
Miscellaneous images to be incorporated throughout
* articles and creative writing pieces will be both new content and republished highlights from the past year. If you desire, please feel free to create an image for an already published piece on the website.
For comprehensive information and to discuss potential involvement, please contact us at We ask that you include a portfolio or example(s) of your artwork.